YP Journal

Today’s Gift Can Impact the Future

Today’s Gift Can Impact the Future

The first bicycle I attempted to ride lacked training wheels and was a bit large for me. My cousin was eighteen months older, taller, and had long legs. She made riding look effortless. Only six at the time, I was in between. Not quite big enough for big kid bikes and...

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Seven Tips To Teach Generosity to Kids Before Summer Ends

Seven Tips To Teach Generosity to Kids Before Summer Ends

Summer is almost done! School clothes and supplies are on sale. Amidst the plans for one last trip to visit grandparents, a Saturday at the theme park down the road or a day at the water park, work in a little time for one more generosity event. Generosity Time...

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How Nonprofits Got Smarter and What it Means for Donors

How Nonprofits Got Smarter and What it Means for Donors

I turned the calendar page this morning and found this quote: “Starting over is not starting from scratch; it’s starting from experience.” Career changes, family interruptions and losses, moving, education decisions, devastating weather events, and on and on, starting...

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3 Questions and 3 Tips to Give Like Melinda Gates

3 Questions and 3 Tips to Give Like Melinda Gates

I stepped out of the sunroom to a sunny, cool morning. Then I realized it's mid-June, and the year is half over. Summers used to mean running barefoot through the neighborhood, walking to the corner store for an ICEE, and trips to the nearby park for serious swinging....

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5 Easy Tips for Summer Time with Grandkids

5 Easy Tips for Summer Time with Grandkids

A morning walk triggered a fond memory in early June, mid-sixties. The water was cold as I jumped into the pool's shallow end. Slowly walking down the pool steps, my grandmother declared it unusually cold for an early June morning. We were up early for her morning...

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Six Ideas to Honor the 2024 Graduate

Six Ideas to Honor the 2024 Graduate

The front page of today's newspaper has a wonderful story about a graduating high school senior at the top of his class, already facing life's realities and unexpected changes to his dreams. You remember the dreams when we were young and barely tarnished by life's...

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Why the Science of Fundraising Makes for Better Fundraising

Why the Science of Fundraising Makes for Better Fundraising

Photo:  Astronomical Clock in Prague, Czech Republic Over twenty years of my nonprofit career, I drove or flew home from meetings and conferences, wondering how to replicate great ideas and model programs. I faced the reality of fewer resources and the need to get...

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3 Ways to Make 2024 Giving the Best Year!

3 Ways to Make 2024 Giving the Best Year!

Exactly twenty-two months ago, we adopted a two-month-old corgi. On the drive home, we named her Sophie. Later, while completing her registration papers, I decided that Sophie's name didn't do her justice. The application provided a long string of squares to fill in,...

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Create a Legacy Statement for Future Generations

Create a Legacy Statement for Future Generations

Tiny stacks of 35-millimeter slides covered the dining room table. One by one I passed them through the slide viewer. The story of my parents’ earliest years together unfolded from Okinawa to North Carolina to Colorado and Texas. Pictures are only part of the story.  ...

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Five Tips to be a Smart Donor and Great Fundraiser

Five Tips to be a Smart Donor and Great Fundraiser

My date and I headed to the zoo for a fun afternoon. With curiosity as a guide, I expected to enjoy the animals and maybe answer a few questions about a guy I found interesting and thought I might like to keep around for a while. The zoo had areas designed to see the...

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A Legacy in the Words of One Man

A Legacy in the Words of One Man

When you hear a suggestion to share your stories with your children and grandchildren, do you hear a voice say, “They’re not interested, don’t have time, and don’t care about my stories?” In conversation with my friend, Joe McIlhaney, M.D., he said what he’d been...

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What Makes a Nonprofit Evergreen

What Makes a Nonprofit Evergreen

Roses are still blooming in my yard. Variegated pittosporum is glowing next to drab lantana stems that have died down for the year. What is slow to go dormant or even better is evergreen, provides hope of a forthcoming spring.  It's like the hope a donor has when...

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Why the Holidays Are the Best Time to Model Giving

Why the Holidays Are the Best Time to Model Giving

I’ve shared this story before, but the message remains important to the heart of giving. Take a moment to learn why ladders matter on Christmas morning and all year round. At six years old, I was sure I needed one, and today, I’m as committed as ever to working my way...

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How Hidden Risks Can Make Giving Decisions a Challenge

How Hidden Risks Can Make Giving Decisions a Challenge

When I was about three or so years old, my family went for a drive in the Colorado mountains. I think we went for a picnic, but what I remember is jumping out of the car, barefooted, heading for a patch of wildflowers. My mother called out to stop, but all I saw were...

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Five Questions That Will Make Your Giving Meaningful   

Five Questions That Will Make Your Giving Meaningful   

Why should you give philanthropically and strive to make a difference? The answer goes beyond different vehicles for giving, choosing the right organizations, and even knowing your giving style. Here's a hint: you need to know your Why. Some years ago, Curtis Meadow,...

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One of Our Greatest Gifts — Our Time!

One of Our Greatest Gifts — Our Time!

Dawn Franks has significantly impacted my thinking (and acting) about the ideas of legacy and generosity. When she asked me to consider writing some personal thoughts about these things, I saw it as a great opportunity for reflection. The concept of “legacy” always...

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Learning to Honor Lessons From Our Grandparents

Learning to Honor Lessons From Our Grandparents

Why do we celebrate Grandparents Day? Grandparents are cool. I vote we celebrate all month long! Originally established by presidential decree in 1978, it is intended as a day to honor grandparents for the contributions they make in our lives. It set me thinking about...

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Three Ways to Ask Questions and Make Your Giving Powerful

Three Ways to Ask Questions and Make Your Giving Powerful

The school zones are back, so slowing down should be top of my mind as I head for work every morning. After less than a week of blinking lights, something finally clicked, and I realized as I got to the end of the zone I should have slowed way down. You know the...

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How Did Paul Revere Make Being a Hero so Easy?

How Did Paul Revere Make Being a Hero so Easy?

On a work trip, I made time for the American Freedom Trail in Boston with a guide dressed as Elizabeth Foster Goose. Along for the history were travelers from Australia, Mexico, England and half a dozen states, plus a mini/petite golden doodle tagging along. Mrs....

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Grandparents Teach Giving Thru Action

Grandparents Teach Giving Thru Action

While exiting my car, I noticed a young teenager, phone in hand, sitting in the front seat of a truck. Her glance revealed an unhappy face as she returned to her phone. Once inside to pick up our corgi from a grooming session, I heard about the unhappy face....

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Ten Ways to Ensure the Giving Legacy You Hope For

Ten Ways to Ensure the Giving Legacy You Hope For

The birthday card danced across the parking lot. Decorated with a handful of balloons on the front, it seemed perfectly appropriate that a gust of wind grabbed my sack as soon as I walked out of the store. I chased after the card, wondering where the envelope had...

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One Tip to Be a Happy Board Member at a Healthy Organization

One Tip to Be a Happy Board Member at a Healthy Organization

Before I donate to an organization in my community, I like to check out who is on the board of directors. My confidence level grows when I see a name I recognize. After all, I trust the board members to be wise stewards of my donation. Most of us assume only good...

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Let’s Make it Rain the First Quarter of 2023

Let’s Make it Rain the First Quarter of 2023

You’ve heard it before. It’s February. It’s Texas. “If you don’t like the weather, wait ten minutes.”  I thought that phrase was strictly about Texas weather but discovered it’s common across the entire country. According to research, the phrase turns up in many...

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Why Answering Questions in Public Makes You a Better Donor

Why Answering Questions in Public Makes You a Better Donor

While waiting for my next flight, I was scanning through email, focused on the laptop screen in front of me. Ignoring the voices and sounds, I was oblivious to conversations. Then I suddenly became aware of movement behind and beside me. A glance revealed four...

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Four Easy Tips to Better Understand Nonprofit Statistics

Four Easy Tips to Better Understand Nonprofit Statistics

The drive to Dallas allowed enough time to prepare for the meeting with a nonprofit organization in transition. While their mission remained the same, how they delivered services was changing. The direction they were heading was cloudy. So, I had questions and hoped...

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How Respect and Trust Can Make You a Better Giver

How Respect and Trust Can Make You a Better Giver

Thanksgiving turkey with all the trimmings, brightly wrapped presents under Christmas trees, bicycles, and tricycles – it's supposed to be a wonderful time of year. It's when we find a few hours in our crazy, jam-packed schedules to share Thanksgiving meals and help...

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How Anonymous Giving Challenges Even the Best Givers

How Anonymous Giving Challenges Even the Best Givers

How "anonymous" is an anonymous gift? An even better question: how anonymous is a gift to a nonprofit organization in today's digital world?   The answers are not simple. Let's start with what anonymous means to you.    Is it not being noticed for specific actions or...

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How SMART Gifts Can Transform Faith-based Giving

How SMART Gifts Can Transform Faith-based Giving

Smart is such a great word. It makes us feel good, as in what great glasses – they make you look so smart. Or, look how fast my dog learned that trick – he's so smart. Today we have smartboards in classrooms. Forget chalk and erasers. We even have the smart electric...

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When to Have This One Talk to Ensure an Enduring Legacy

When to Have This One Talk to Ensure an Enduring Legacy

Are we too late? That was the question asked casually by an acquaintance. Too late for what? Too late for one of the most important conversations you can have with your adult children.   I understand late. Most days I practice stretching time: I ignore the clock,...

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Nine Best Life Lesson Tips to Enhance Generations of Giving

Nine Best Life Lesson Tips to Enhance Generations of Giving

  Blinking lights. School zones. Weather changes. Fall is right around the corner. Recent rainy days here at the start of school reminded me of my first day in middle school. I proudly wore a dress I made in the Singer sewing class over the summer. In full...

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How Generosity Will Make You Wiser and Happier Today

How Generosity Will Make You Wiser and Happier Today

At twenty-five, I frequently lamented that I couldn’t wait to be thirty-five years old. That might seem odd, but I was sure I would be taken seriously by thirty-five. My ideas, opinions, and suggestions would carry more weight. Of course, by the time I reached...

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If You Reap What You Sow, What Kind of Garden Would You Grow?

If You Reap What You Sow, What Kind of Garden Would You Grow?

By Margie Boyd, Executive Vice President, Your Philanthropy Sitting in a recent foundation board meeting listening to the wealth advisors give their financial forecast was a bit unsettling. Fear crept into the room and pulled up a seat. With inflation at a 40-year...

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How the Uncommon Giving Conversation Will Spark Your Giving

How the Uncommon Giving Conversation Will Spark Your Giving

If I say $3.99 or $4.05, you already know what I'm talking about – the fast-rising cost of gas at the pumps. It's suddenly such a common conversation that most folks can quote the exact gas price on their daily route within pennies. My husband and I needed to stop for...

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How Place-Based Philanthropy Benefits Local Communities

How Place-Based Philanthropy Benefits Local Communities

By Margie Boyd, Executive Vice President, Your Philanthropy When I first moved to East Texas over 20 years ago, I remember jumping online and visiting the local chamber of commerce community calendar to see what was happening in our area in the coming months. I had...

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Why Social Media Likes and Shares Aren’t Enough for Donors

Why Social Media Likes and Shares Aren’t Enough for Donors

Not too long ago, just a decade or so, action required considerable movement by using large muscle groups like glutes, quads, and hamstrings; we got out of the recliner and off the couch. Action burned calories; it was substantial, even consequential. Now we burn...

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What Giving Style Is at the Heart of Your Philanthropy?

What Giving Style Is at the Heart of Your Philanthropy?

News flash: Nonprofit organizations seldom have concrete goals, measurable outcomes or a precise strategic plan which can be relied upon by the donor to make safe, highly impactful and targeted gifts. Only the tiniest percentage of donors can be sure their charitable...

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How to Decide the Best Way to Help Ukraine Now and Later

How to Decide the Best Way to Help Ukraine Now and Later

Tears filled my eyes Wednesday morning, March 9, reading accounts of now 2 million refugees fleeing Ukraine. My heart aches from the images and stories. War is not an unfamiliar experience for me. Like many children in the last nineteen years who waved goodbye to...

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How Helping Someone Is Another Way of Giving

How Helping Someone Is Another Way of Giving

Have you helped a stranger today? Helping a stranger is immediate warm glow generosity. You feel it all over when you’ve helped simply because you could. Held the door open for a stranger carrying an armful of grocery bags Picked up the keys for someone slow to bend...

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How to Find the Warm Glow and Give to Make a Difference

How to Find the Warm Glow and Give to Make a Difference

It had already been a busy day, but I kept checking the clock on my desk so I wouldn’t be late for one more obligation. Bell Ringing! I signed up for a Salvation Army bell ringing shift several weeks before. I didn’t think much about it. Pick a time, make sure I get...

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How One Cow Plus a Flock of Chickens Made a Gift of Love

How One Cow Plus a Flock of Chickens Made a Gift of Love

Catalog shopping is a finely-honed skill. I know this comes as no surprise because most of us have kicked it up a notch as we weathered the shutdown of 2020 and dealt with the loss of some of the mom-and-pop shops we frequented. We may need special assistance at our...

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How a Few Minutes a Day Can Change the World

How a Few Minutes a Day Can Change the World

Can you change the world in a few minutes a day? A common question asked by teachers, writers, philanthropy advisors, and so on is, “if money is no object, what would you do to change the world?” It sounds like an innocent enough question, straightforward in purpose....

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How Your Philanthropy Ripples into Greater Change

How Your Philanthropy Ripples into Greater Change

Sunflowers, zinnias and gerbera daisies have overtaken the rose bushes. A shallow garden running the length of our backyard fence is full of colorful flowers tumbling over each other as if escaping into the yard. As the flowers fade and fall arrives, I become a little...

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How a Philanthropy Filter Easily Improves Giving

How a Philanthropy Filter Easily Improves Giving

How does it feel to be a philanthropist today? It might be tempting to assume that question only applies to the wealthy donor who can write large checks year after year. When in fact, the question is for you. Comparing ourselves against others who give more or less...

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Tips for How One in a Row Can Remake Your Philanthropy

Tips for How One in a Row Can Remake Your Philanthropy

"She's a bookworm," a frequent description used to explain why I didn't hear my mother announce dinner or remind me of chores. As a teen, I occasionally found myself in a waiting room with magazines strewn around on subjects of no interest. However, I was drawn to...

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How to Make Nonprofits Jump Up and Down and Shout for Joy

How to Make Nonprofits Jump Up and Down and Shout for Joy

Water, lights, toilet paper, batteries, rent, copy paper, staples, pens, printer cartridges – what do the items on this list have in common? They can all be found somewhere in the budget of practically any nonprofit organization you support. Oh, did I forget the...

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How to Build Lasting Partnerships with the Greatest Impact

How to Build Lasting Partnerships with the Greatest Impact

This past weekend I had some extra time to read a book that has been patiently waiting for me to pay it some attention…Accidental Philanthropist - A Journey Towards Intentional Generosity by Steve Perry. A respected Facebook friend recommended it so I headed over to...

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How Honoring a Graduate Models Generosity

How Honoring a Graduate Models Generosity

Graduations are upon us. They are celebrations for what is ending and for many what’s finally finished.  They are a threshold event with doors opening and paths disappearing into foggy futures. They are a pivot moment for many graduates as they find their way into the...

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How Simplified Giving Makes You a Better Giver

How Simplified Giving Makes You a Better Giver

If I could be queen of a certain land, it would be the land of Intentional. We would welcome all who love the exploration of ideas to the point of purpose, to be closely followed by a plan. My preparation to be queen of Intentional started at an early age. Moving...

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Will You Learn to be a Better Giver Over Time?

Will You Learn to be a Better Giver Over Time?

My childhood memory of the Big Eddy Bridge, now under Lake Palestine, is not accurate. But the memory is real. My brother and I would convince my dad to drive over the old, rickety bridge every chance we got. Every board in the old wooden bridge slapped the...

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Why Your Giving Needs to Support Change Today

Why Your Giving Needs to Support Change Today

Do you need a laptop, notebook or tablet?  That was the question Sid asked when helping me sort out what kind of computer replacement I needed for my work. Gone are the days when all I needed was a Big Chief tablet, freshly sharpened #2 pencils and a three-ring...

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Six Ways to Identify Where to Give in Unfamiliar Locations

Six Ways to Identify Where to Give in Unfamiliar Locations

Unprecedented. Unparalleled. 100-year event. Words and phrases used to describe the plunging temperatures across Texas and the deep south as a polar vortex of arctic air settled in for more than a week. As temperatures plunge and power outages occur, our response...

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How to Love Your Favorite Nonprofit Organization this Month

How to Love Your Favorite Nonprofit Organization this Month

School-age memories are often etched into our psyche. For me, these memories are either clear and colorful or vague and foggy. One of the clear, colorful memories from elementary school came on February 14. Eleven years old, I was excited about the upcoming...

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Like Dr. Seuss, Care a Whole Awful Lot

Like Dr. Seuss, Care a Whole Awful Lot

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” That’s sage advice from one of the most popular children’s authors of all time, Dr. Seuss. This isn’t the first time I’ve started a blog with Dr. Seuss. But it seems his...

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How the Goldilocks Rule Makes Your Giving “Just Right”

How the Goldilocks Rule Makes Your Giving “Just Right”

A bowl of oatmeal with steam dancing above is just right in my opinion. Goldilocks would disagree and declare my bowl of oatmeal “too hot.” Like Goldilocks’ preference for baby bear’s “just right” porridge, donors have a just right style of giving. Because each of us...

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How to Become Santa for Someone this Year

How to Become Santa for Someone this Year

In the late sixties, my family moved to Cheyenne, Wyoming. My brother and I arrived at our new school in the middle of an outbreak of strep throat, also known as streptococcus. The outbreak was severe. They began weekly throat cultures on every student and sending...

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Helpers Can Make Year-End Giving More Meaningful

Helpers Can Make Year-End Giving More Meaningful

Helpers come in all sizes and forms. It has been such an odd year. I can't imagine what things might be like at the North Pole. What would Santa Claus do without his helpers, elves in green suits with pointy toes, to prepare for the all-important worldwide delivery of...

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How to Join the Donation Crowd and Avoid Fear of the Unknown

How to Join the Donation Crowd and Avoid Fear of the Unknown

Are you feeling down about the future? Join the crowd. Let’s create our own crowd – let’s hang together and give together so that others, including our families and friends, will find help when it is needed. I’m sure you’ll fit right in. Giving is different this year,...

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Online Gifts: How to Better Reach Your Giving Goals

Online Gifts: How to Better Reach Your Giving Goals

Have you made a gift online this year? Chances are the answer is yes. A growing number of donors respond to a Facebook post or a Tweet to give but ask few questions about the group or nonprofit making the ask. A few clicks and it's done. Gift made. Endorphins surge....

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Daring to Risk Failure Leads to Greater Success

Daring to Risk Failure Leads to Greater Success

By Margie Boyd, Executive Vice President, Your Philanthropy After reading Dawn’s blog last week, I accepted the challenge and read Suzanne Smith’s article, “The Social Sector’s F-Word — Failure”.  As a former Founder/Executive Director of a local nonprofit, many of...

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Overcoming Fear of Failure Can Change the World

Overcoming Fear of Failure Can Change the World

A nonprofit sector strategist I follow writes a blog called Socialtrend Spotter. Suzanne Smith, author, founder and CEO of Social Impact Architects, often provides excellent insight and suggestions for her readers. She speaks directly into the most immediate struggles...

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How Life Stories Become the Legacy You Leave

How Life Stories Become the Legacy You Leave

The everyday life you live is the legacy you leave. Yes, the stories of our lives become our legacy. We have no choice in the matter. Others look at the trail we walked, the life journey we are on and see a legacy.  The very nature of a legacy is storytelling....

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Why a Gift Now Is as Important as One That Changes the Future

Why a Gift Now Is as Important as One That Changes the Future

The first bicycle I attempted to ride lacked training wheels and was a bit large for me. My cousin was eighteen months older, taller and already had long legs. She made riding look effortless. Only six at the time, I was in between. Not quite big enough for big kid...

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How Your Small Donation Will Make You the Best Donor

How Your Small Donation Will Make You the Best Donor

Five years ago, a funny-sounding start-up company called Silidog caught my attention. Researching crowdfunding, I stumbled across Mickey Lickstein’s project on Kickstarter, a web-based platform used by creatives to find financial backers willing to invest in tiny...

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You See What They’re Doing. Join Me in Applause.

You See What They’re Doing. Join Me in Applause.

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I direct your attention to the gallery? We are joined today by a phenomenal group of nonprofit leaders, staff, and volunteers. You may not recognize all the faces, but I’m sure many are familiar. I assure you that they have all been working...

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How to Raise Kids to Make, Save, and Give Money

How to Raise Kids to Make, Save, and Give Money

The PARADE Magazine has been a part of my Sunday newspaper reading for more years than I can remember. Tucked in the largest paper of the week with advertisements and the comics, it was my earliest introduction to many things cultural. Started in 1941, PARADE magazine...

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How to Help Teens Change the World Now

How to Help Teens Change the World Now

As a kid, summertime meant more time to read the stack of books I brought home from the library each week, swimming with my grandmother early in the morning, horseback riding and westerns at the drive-in movies. My parents didn’t seem to work all that hard to keep me...

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How Nonprofits Make Great Lemonade Out of Lemons

How Nonprofits Make Great Lemonade Out of Lemons

It is a big day when the home you’ve had on the market for eleven months finally sells. In fact, for days leading up to the closing and the hours and minutes before, I was afraid to let myself get excited in case something, anything unexpected, went wrong. It did...

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16 Ways to Give and a Challenge for You!

16 Ways to Give and a Challenge for You!

No fluff, no story, no long explanations. I have a challenge for you. Think about ways to give to your favorite charity. I am sure several ideas came to mind. I first came up with six simple and obvious ideas. Then I started thinking about what’s unexpected. And then...

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How to be a Fan and Encourage Important Work

How to be a Fan and Encourage Important Work

Four hundred unopened emails waiting for me to read, respond, or delete. Every day I try to reduce the number through quick deletions and one-line responses. But it bothers me that I have so little time to read the important information coming to me from countless...

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Make Plans to Give Now and Again Later This Year

Make Plans to Give Now and Again Later This Year

Most email I read now begins with, “I hope this email finds you and your family safe.” Early on, I was comforted by these statements. Today they feel repetitive. I realize the writer doesn’t have any idea how to start the email or the letter right now. All the rules...

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3 Insights From Leadership Forged in a Crisis

3 Insights From Leadership Forged in a Crisis

What will the great nonprofit leaders of today look like? What actions will they take that encourages us to look forward to a new future? Right now, all over this country, we are among nonprofit leaders being made – not born. To truly understand what to look for in...

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How to Ensure Your Kids Catch Heartfelt Generosity

How to Ensure Your Kids Catch Heartfelt Generosity

Right now, our attention is on the small acts that reduce our chances of catching any kind of crud going around. It could be a cold, flu, or today’s new bug, the coronavirus. But I have a surprise, some things are worth catching. And when it’s right and it goes viral,...

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When Nonprofits Need to Make Changes, So Can You

When Nonprofits Need to Make Changes, So Can You

The conversation went something like this: “I’m sure you’ve heard they have a new Executive Director. What do you think is happening over there? Do you think they will survive?” The answer is yes, they will survive. In fact, my guess is they’ll still be going strong...

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Take a Risk to Be Part of Something Great

Take a Risk to Be Part of Something Great

How do nonprofit organizations you support get better at what they are doing? How do they learn their way into new, better, or improved services? The big question is how do you help them change the world? Can you expand your services? A state agency asked the local...

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How You Can Be Their Best Role Model

How You Can Be Their Best Role Model

The question is, who is watching and listening to you? No, I don’t mean in the way that Alexa or Google Assistant is tracking your words and making suggestions. I don’t mean how a drone tracks you down and finds your address to deliver the Amazon package to your front...

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Recent Journal Posts

Sep 04 2024

You Choose – Riley or Seuss – Who’s Best for Donor and Nonprofit Alike

What's that saying, "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck." It's also known as the duck test. It seems so...
Aug 21 2024

How to Level Up: Transform Your Mom & Pop Shop to Give Like Big Players

Photo by Shashi Chaturvedula on Unsplash Let's talk about the business of philanthropy – not improving nonprofits with business principles, but rather, the power of...
Aug 06 2024

Today’s Gift Can Impact the Future

The first bicycle I attempted to ride lacked training wheels and was a bit large for me. My cousin was eighteen months older, taller, and had long legs. She made riding...
Jul 24 2024

Seven Tips To Teach Generosity to Kids Before Summer Ends

Summer is almost done! School clothes and supplies are on sale. Amidst the plans for one last trip to visit grandparents, a Saturday at the theme park down the road or...
Jul 10 2024

How Nonprofits Got Smarter and What it Means for Donors

I turned the calendar page this morning and found this quote: “Starting over is not starting from scratch; it’s starting from experience.” Career changes, family...
Jun 19 2024

3 Questions and 3 Tips to Give Like Melinda Gates

I stepped out of the sunroom to a sunny, cool morning. Then I realized it's mid-June, and the year is half over. Summers used to mean running barefoot through the...
Jun 04 2024

5 Easy Tips for Summer Time with Grandkids

A morning walk triggered a fond memory in early June, mid-sixties. The water was cold as I jumped into the pool's shallow end. Slowly walking down the pool steps, my...
May 20 2024

Six Ideas to Honor the 2024 Graduate

The front page of today's newspaper has a wonderful story about a graduating high school senior at the top of his class, already facing life's realities and unexpected...
May 08 2024

Why the Science of Fundraising Makes for Better Fundraising

Photo:  Astronomical Clock in Prague, Czech Republic Over twenty years of my nonprofit career, I drove or flew home from meetings and conferences, wondering how to...
Apr 17 2024

Aspiration and Generosity: The Dynamic Duo that Leads to Your Best Giving

What are your aspirations for generosity? Do you dream of what might be? What you could be doing? How you might do something differently? Dreams always lead to me...

Let’s start a conversation!