Your Philanthropy
is a bridge between
the charitable and giving communities,
allowing you to connect and achieve your goals.
Your Philanthropy is an independent firm with a focus on you: who you are, why you give and how to accomplish your personal philanthropic goals. Individual, family, business or family foundation – you are the focus.

Your Philanthropy is your partner, guide and friend in the incredible journey of philanthropy.
Services At-A-Glance
Foundation Management for Private & Family Foundations
- We support startup and infrastructure development.
- We manage and maintain a myriad of administrative “back-office” services that integrate day-to-day foundation and grant-making operations.
- We establish procedures to ensure compliance with laws and regulations and to safeguard funds.
- We research and evaluate new and existing nonprofit organizations.
- We assist foundations with website creation or redevelopment.
Consulting & Support Services for Private & Family Foundations
- We provide consulting and strategic planning to make donor-centric giving possible.
- We provide donors with a team of advisors or serve as a member of an existing team of consultants.
- We function as the public face of the foundation or as its representative.
- We provide solutions to problems unique to foundation work and transformational donor giving.
- We craft donor agreements and legacy statements.
- We educate donors through blogs, articles and e-books.
Consulting & Support Services for Individuals & Families
- Through coaching and mentoring, we facilitate family relationships to embrace and grow giving.
- We build bridges between generations to ensure a lasting family-giving legacy.
Combined Years of Experience
Grants Awarded
Grants Funded
Assets Under Management