Cares a Whole Awful Lot

Cares a Whole Awful Lot

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” That’s sage advice from one of the most popular children’s authors of all time, Dr. Seuss. Giving to the causes you care “a whole awful lot about” should be easy. It should...
Giving is a Business Matter

Giving is a Business Matter

Let’s talk about how giving can be an important part of the WHY of buying. Author Simon Sinek says “People don’t buy or give to WHAT you do or HOW you do it, they buy or give to WHY you do it.” Once you open this door and include giving in your WHY you need to know...
The Spirit of the Gift

The Spirit of the Gift

In my memory he is always sitting. My grandfather could be found in his chair at the end of the kitchen table, behind the steering wheel of his old truck, in the caboose of a Cotton Belt train, and sometimes a top his favorite Appaloosa horse.  When he wasn’t riding a...