by Dawn Franks | Jan 16, 2015 | Giving
In my memory he is always sitting. My grandfather could be found in his chair at the end of the kitchen table, behind the steering wheel of his old truck, in the caboose of a Cotton Belt train, and sometimes a top his favorite Appaloosa horse. When he wasn’t riding a...
by Dawn Franks | Dec 18, 2014 | About Your Philanthropy, Business, Donors, Family, Giving, Millennials, Next Generation
My work this year can be described as many different puzzles. Whether it was a family, a business, or a foundation fitting all the pieces together was as easy as it was hard. Every puzzle was different, and finishing was rewarding. Giving puzzles are more frequent...
by Dawn Franks | Dec 4, 2014 | About Your Philanthropy, Family, Giving, Next Generation
Family legacies grow from stories. I’ve witnessed it first hand. Last year I spent time with a family mulling over a family gift in honor of grandmother. Grandmother had been involved with several organizations, so the family sorted through various ideas about...
by Dawn Franks | Nov 21, 2014 | Family, Giving, Millennials, Next Generation, Wealth
Will the next generation give as much as their grandparents and parents? Which generation is “the next generation”? The answer is relative, isn’t it? Every generation wonders about the one that follows. Baby Boomers have been wondering about Generation X and...
by Dawn Franks | Nov 10, 2014 | About Your Philanthropy, Family, Next Generation, Nonprofits
I could call it the best family counseling we ever paid for. We weren’t there for family counseling, but if functioning better as a family is a fringe benefit who’s going to complain, right? We turned to Dawn Franks for some good old-fashioned advice on how to be...