by Dawn Franks | Nov 1, 2022 | About Your Philanthropy, Blog, Dawn's Blogs, Donors, Giving, Nonprofits
How “anonymous” is an anonymous gift? An even better question: how anonymous is a gift to a nonprofit organization in today’s digital world? The answers are not simple. Let’s start with what anonymous means to you. Is it not being noticed...
by Dawn Franks | Oct 17, 2022 | About Your Philanthropy, Dawn's Blogs, Donors, Giving, Nonprofits
Sitting across the table was a gentleman I had just met. He excitedly described how the new nonprofit he envisioned, would change lives. Almost breathless between sentences, his vision ended with this new nonprofit organization spanning the country in every community....
by Dawn Franks | May 6, 2020 | Dawn's Blogs, Donors, Nonprofits, Philanthropy in Action
Most email I read now begins with, “I hope this email finds you and your family safe.” Early on, I was comforted by these statements. Today they feel repetitive. I realize the writer doesn’t have any idea how to start the email or the letter right now. All the rules...
by Dawn Franks | Oct 2, 2019 | Donors, Giving, Nonprofits, Philanthropy in Action
What keeps you reading when you open the envelope and find a fundraising letter? Do you scan for the client numbers – people served, sheltered or fed? Do you look for program costs – how much the program costs per client? Or do your eyes catch the story and pictures?...