Four Ways to Think Small, But Give Big

by | Oct 16, 2014

I was reminded recently to stop and think small.  You may ask what happened to think big, dream big, be a part of something big? For just a few minutes, or a small amount of your time, reflect with me on how small can impact your giving in a big way.

To Think Small is to Think:

Focus, as if looking at something through a microscope

Compact, as in closely packed and related ideas

Baby, which could be an idea in its infancy

Small-scale, a smaller version of a big idea

Small words, but big concepts. Alone or together they can lead to bigger impact on donor intent and effective giving.

Take time to focus on ideas, organizations or people that are important to you. Find organizations that provide services aimed in the same direction of your interest, your own particular focus. Then connect with that organization to find out how you can come along-side them as a donor. Or focus on funding something specific at an organization you care about.

Consider your compact, or closely packed ideas. Closely packed ideas are usually connected, but how? Do you wonder why “that something” isn’t done? Can you imagine ways it could be done if multiple organizations were working together to deliver a service? Can you imagine how an organization might serve fewer, but with bigger impact. Who could you explore your closely-packed ideas with?

There are so many ways to think small from a baby perspective.  The new idea or ideas in the early stages of crawling provide a great opportunity to test, learn and plan. Then there are baby steps toward “that something” you would love to see happen. Look for others who like to start at the beginning.

Think small-scale as a starting point toward your big ideas. Even big ideas must start somewhere. They often grow from small seeds that slowly take root. This is especially important to donors who would like to accomplish significant things with their giving. Spend time to create a small-scale version to test your idea and begin to attract others to join you. Vincent Van Gogh said “great things are done by a series of small things brought together.”

Create your own Van Gogh like masterpiece. Think Small on purpose.  Be intentional about it. Have you seen a big idea grow from small? Share what you learned in the process.



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