by Dawn Franks | Apr 4, 2016 | Family, Giving, Millennials, Next Generation
Most mornings you can find me walking early with my dependable old dog and two curious cats. Yes, the cats do go with us on the walk. It is quite the sight! Watching them interact one day, I realized you can trust the next generation. I’ll explain. I’ve wondered more...
by Dawn Franks | Mar 23, 2016 | Family, Giving
Henry Ford said “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” I know Henry was referring to building cars but that quote also holds the keys to a sustainable blend of family and philanthropy. Success depends on teamwork...
by Dawn Franks | Mar 9, 2016 | Giving, Millennials, Next Generation, Nonprofits, Philanthropy in Action
I read a blog post by Jeff Goins and reflected on his challenge to find my calling. It’s a big challenge for sure, and after thinking about it for a while I drifted toward finding my calling in giving. In essence, my giving calling is the “one big thing” I want to...
by Dawn Franks | Feb 24, 2016 | Business, Giving, Millennials, Next Generation
From micro loans and businesses to downsizing and tiny homes, small has captured our attention. Small businesses are a staple of any community. According to the Small Business Administration website as big business eliminated jobs small businesses grew adding more...
by Dawn Franks | Feb 11, 2016 | Donors, Nonprofits, Philanthropy in Action
Donor joy is elusive. If there’s a recipe for donor joy it is hard to find. In my experience the donor tries to get there by throwing a little of this and a little of that into the bowl, leaves out critical ingredients, and doesn’t bake it long enough. The entire time...