by Dawn Franks | Feb 7, 2023 | About Your Philanthropy, Dawn's Blogs, Donors, Family, Giving, Nonprofits, Uncategorized, Wealth
February arrived with Punxsutawney Phil predicting more winter and store shelves drawing us to candy displays and Valentine’s Day cards. Perhaps the most popular non-holiday on the calendar, Valentine’s Day symbolizes feelings of affection, mostly between...
by Dawn Franks | Jan 23, 2023 | About Your Philanthropy, Dawn's Blogs, Donors, Family, Giving, Nonprofits, Wealth
While waiting for my next flight, I was scanning through email, focused on the laptop screen in front of me. Ignoring the voices and sounds, I was oblivious to conversations. Then I suddenly became aware of movement behind and beside me. A glance revealed four...
by Dawn Franks | Jan 27, 2021 | Dawn's Blogs, Donors, Giving, Nonprofits
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” That’s sage advice from one of the most popular children’s authors of all time, Dr. Seuss. This isn’t the first time I’ve started a blog with Dr. Seuss. But it seems his...
by Dawn Franks | Mar 31, 2020 | Dawn's Blogs, Donors, Giving, Nonprofits, Philanthropy in Action
Amid the most unusual and unexpected event of our lifetime, I find myself struggling for words. No story seems appropriate, no example relevant. I’m bombarded by hard, rough around the edges news, like the text I received a few minutes ago with a story from the local...