by Dawn Franks | Jun 20, 2018 | Dawn's Blogs, Donors, Family, Giving, Millennials, Next Generation, Nonprofits, Wealth
A special note: This blog is mostly about grandparents, but I challenge you to replace those words with parents, aunt, uncle or friend every time you read them. This blog is about all of us and the unique role we play in the lives of the children all around us. “I...
by Dawn Franks | Jun 6, 2018 | Dawn's Blogs, Donors, Family, Giving
The recent three-day weekend afforded extra time for my gardening habit, what I call the green monster in my yard. It takes a lot of my free time and is the source of both pleasure and pain. Recently, I experienced some of the pain while trimming bushes. Close by is a...
by Dawn Franks | May 14, 2018 | Dawn's Blogs, Donors, Family, Giving, Millennials, Next Generation, Nonprofits
Join us for a fun event. Help us honor or remember. Please help feed, educate, clothe – you know the drill. These are the messages that jump off the pages and invitations in your mailbox every day. The pleas are real, the invitation to the fun is real, just like the...
by Dawn Franks | Apr 27, 2018 | Dawn's Blogs, Donors, Giving, Nonprofits
Standing in the alley behind our office building, I struggled to breathe evenly. Blinking back tears, I tried to figure out the words I would use to deliver the news. For the first time in our history, we faced a cutback of services and a staff layoff. I had been...
by Dawn Franks | Apr 17, 2018 | Dawn's Blogs, Donors, Giving, Nonprofits, Philanthropy in Action
As a donor, making a gift can get you a seat at the table in fighting to end poverty. Sitting at the table gives you an up close and personal view of the problem. You become a smarter donor and they get food on their table. Deciding whether the best answer is to write...