by Dawn Franks | Sep 5, 2018 | Dawn's Blogs, Donors, Family, Giving, Millennials, Next Generation, Wealth
I have a friend who loves to go to party fundraisers. Her husband finds a buddy to talk with while she dances from one group to another because she loves people and doesn’t want to miss a single friend. And for her, it’s all the more enjoyable because she...
by Dawn Franks | Aug 22, 2018 | Dawn's Blogs, Donors, Giving, Millennials, Next Generation, Nonprofits
Remember Phone a Friend on the hit TV show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Well, it’s a donor hack I recommend to anyone who wants to make a better, smarter, more impactful (put your favorite word here) gift. When it’s time to do giving right, Phone a Friend. Imagine...
by Dawn Franks | Aug 8, 2018 | Dawn's Blogs, Donors
What does the act of giving look like for you? What happens in your mind between the time you hear or read a story that describes a need and when you make the contribution? Is the desire to contribute a heart response or a mind response? Most likely it is both. Dr....
by Dawn Franks | Jul 25, 2018 | Dawn's Blogs, Donors, Giving, Nonprofits
Is there one right answer to the question, how many programs can one nonprofit organization operate? Of course, the answer is no because every organization is different. Some are single focused on clients and services. Others provide a multitude of programs, serving...
by Dawn Franks | Jul 10, 2018 | Dawn's Blogs, Donors, Family, Giving
I know my childhood memory of the Big Eddy Bridge, now under Lake Palestine in Texas, is not accurate. But the memory is real. Every chance we had my brother, and I would convince my dad to drive over the old and very rickety bridge. It seemed like every...