by Dawn Franks | Jul 24, 2024 | Family, Giving, Next Generation, Uncategorized
Summer is almost done! School clothes and supplies are on sale. Amidst the plans for one last trip to visit grandparents, a Saturday at the theme park down the road or a day at the water park, work in a little time for one more generosity event. Generosity Time...
by Dawn Franks | Dec 12, 2023 | Donors, Family, Giving, Millennials, Next Generation
I’ve shared this story before, but the message remains important to the heart of giving. Take a moment to learn why ladders matter on Christmas morning and all year round. At six years old, I was sure I needed one, and today, I’m as committed as ever to working my way...
by Dawn Franks | Feb 7, 2023 | About Your Philanthropy, Dawn's Blogs, Donors, Family, Giving, Nonprofits, Uncategorized, Wealth
February arrived with Punxsutawney Phil predicting more winter and store shelves drawing us to candy displays and Valentine’s Day cards. Perhaps the most popular non-holiday on the calendar, Valentine’s Day symbolizes feelings of affection, mostly between...
by Dawn Franks | Dec 13, 2022 | Blog, Dawn's Blogs, Donors, Family, Giving, Next Generation
Peeping through a keyhole on Christmas morning, I could see the packages and toys Santa had brought. All under the age of ten, all four of us grandchildren took turns looking through that keyhole while my grandmother took her sweet time cooking breakfast. My sweet...
by Dawn Franks | Oct 5, 2022 | About Your Philanthropy, Dawn's Blogs, Donors, Family, Giving, Nonprofits
Smart is such a great word. It makes us feel good, as in what great glasses – they make you look so smart. Or, look how fast my dog learned that trick – he’s so smart. Today we have smartboards in classrooms. Forget chalk and erasers. We even have the smart...