The Gift of Giving
Explore your stories and write your legacy.
By Dawn Franks
The Gift of Giving book is a journey into a donor’s personal legacy.
The one they’ve been living every single day. It started the day they were born, a story only they can live and share. Their story is their legacy.
The Gift of Giving is not just a book, it is a valuable resource, guide, and tool for givers of all ages at all stages to tell their legacy story.
Throughout this book they will find short exercises to help them understand and convey their legacy, in essence, write their legacy.
While the story they’ve already lived will not change, donors can do something about tomorrow by becoming a more intentional giver today!
Your Legacy, Your Story
Some of us are great story tellers, and then some of us are better on paper. But for most of us, our stories play out on a never ending tape stuck in our heads. Sometimes we feel them in our heart or gut. Author Don Miguel Ruiz says it this way, “You create an entire picture or movie in your mind, and in that picture you are the director, you are the producer, you’re the main actor or actress. Everyone else is a secondary actor or actress. It’s your movie. Every movie has a script. That script is your life story.

One Story Across Generations
Golda modeled a legacy story for her granddaughter and her community. Sharon shared how she learned about giving, watching and talking to her grandmother, Golda. When the young and curious Sharon asked Golda why wheelchairs were hanging from the basement rafters, she learned that her grandmother believed it was a community’s responsibility to care for those in need. As a result, wheelchairs, walkers, and dressing rolls were ready for a future need.
Not just a Book
The Gift of Giving is not just a book, it is a valuable resource, guide, and tool for givers of all ages at all stages to tell their legacy story. Throughout this book they will find short exercises to help them understand and convey their legacy, in essence, write their legacy.
Take a peek inside.
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About the author.
After more than 4 decades of leadership in the nonprofit and philanthropic arena, Dawn is dedicated to helping others find and follow their philanthropic goals. Known for her listening skills, objective guidance and confidentiality, she works with charitable individuals, foundation directors, wealth managers, CPAs, estate planning attorneys and nonprofit organizations.
“I believe that those who give have a unique set of giving fingerprints they leave on every gift they make. I love to help donors understand what makes their giving unique, so they can become the philanthropists they hope to be.”
– Dawn Franks

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About Your Philanthropy
Your Philanthropy is a bridge between the charitable and giving communities, allowing donors to have a meaningful connection with causes closest to their hearts while achieving their giving goals. Our team represents 75 combined years of experience in both the nonprofit and philanthropic field of service. We understand both sides of giving.
Your Philanthropy provides coaching and consulting for individuals and families making significant giving decisions. For private foundations, we also offer a wide array of foundation management services.